Saturday, August 22, 2009


Nanolife was a Nanovoice EP I recorded to take part in a "24 hour EP" challenge posed to me by some friends on the internet.

While all up, I feel it to be a rather weak effort retrospectively, I still enjoy the concept however.(as detailed in an earlier post)

This EP was released in May, and can be located here (

Fellow Chiptuner Little-Scale, has since also taken up creating music from cellular automata. (

The following tracks are all composed on Nanovoice, with some support from Nanoloop.

Title: Rorschach
Released: Nanovoice EP
Notes: This track was titled due to the appearance of the beginning state of cellular automata being similar to that of a Rorschach test. The piece starts off slow(like most of the tracks in this EP) as I begin plotting in the pieces where they belong. Change, both rhythmic and pitch wise is evident throughout as I shift through some 5 iterations of the pattern. Heavy reverb and delay are used throughout, in an attempt to create a "thicker" sound than would otherwise be present.

Title: Lines
Released: Nanovoice EP
Notes: So named because of the starting state of the cellular automata this track begins much in the same way as the previous. Though achieving an arrhythmic dissonant sound early on, as the seemingly random parts begin to come together, filling more and more sonic space.
Noise is evident in this track, due to my use of a Gameboy Advance(my other gameboys did not react well to the software.)
Sonically, the track begins to become disinteresting around the halfway mark, but the introduction of the pseudo-random noise generator in the last quarter or so brings some rhythmic interest.

Title: Sauron
Released: Nanovoice EP
Notes: Named after the eye of Sauron that it resembles in it's beginning state, this is definitely the most interesting of the 4 tracks.
The track features "drum" support in the form of a pulsewave kick and PRNG noises from a synced copy of Nanoloop to keep things going.
The track also has a much, mellower, more contained sound, than the harsh bright sounds found in the other tracks.
Because of the sync with nanoloop, I was able to drop the pitch of nanovoice, which normally also drops the speed. This piece is rather long, and changes were taken very slowly, with the occasional altering of patterns on nanoloop to remain rhythmically fitting to nanovoice.

Title: Trailout
Released: Nanovoice EP
Notes: As Sauron ends, I let it continue on, doing little to the pattern, but dropping speed and pitch right down.
This coupled with the increasing delay throughout it's duration creates a huge sounding atmospheric sound. Very little happens in this track, even in comparison to the others on the EP. But personally I liken it to listening to the sounds of my similarly toned Buddha Machine(

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